1st day part time job

Posted Thursday, June 4, 2009 by nobody_eka
New story which me myself and liana..(hehe)
So tahap kebosanan ak berlalu...
hari ni tepat 4 jun ak dapat part time job yg br di offer kan kpd ak 2 hr lepas...
kat giant plentong at bag and watch shop..
ok lah ..ms ari ptama blh dikatakan supervisor ak ni yg berumur 18tahun..
sombong gle..
ak pun tak tahu ape mslh die..
muke nk sombong jek 24 jam..
tp dgn ak jek lak 2..
tp dnt mind at all..
smpai lah time balik ...
she seems give me a smile...which skit2 tunjukkan kemesraan after my boss gave some interest to me..auww...(as worker lah)

alkisah ceritanye...job ni mule2 blh lah tahan penat..
slps 2minggu duk dlm umah..(dgn penuh kesenangan)
tapi at last...ok lah...not bad..interesting..
cume ade lah skit2 asyik kena marh ngn supervisor..(bukn slh ak pun)
yg penatnye..mulut ak ni dah berbuih dgn senyuman..haha
senyum jek 24 jam..haha..
sales executive katakan...(sales girl lah)

leh tak ak tahan utk ari seterusnye ni..
kisah2 seterusnye bagaimana ak hadapi dugaan kerja ini..
tunggu karya ku seterusnye...(ewah...mcm penulis profesional)

another story...
story bout him for 3 days..
bcoz he went to sea for fishing and
this is one of the program that his boss arrange to know which worker could stand with the sea..
so that they will selected as one of the workers to offshore..(if he good)
i hope he will be slected..
(i know u can do it..chaiyoookkk)
but b4 he go..he went to see me and gave 4 chocolate and 2 cake which he say as my "bekal"
without him for 3 days..
haiya..gila lah die...
tak kesah lah..yg penting ngidam ak nak kek cheese melepas...nyum..nyum..
i will miss him so much...
ape pendapat korang ttg die..boleh kah die menjadi seorang suami mithali..
bygkan korang berada di tmpt ak..
i still confuse about him..
even now...our relation in 3years 9month..
i still cant be sure bout men actually in my life..
hw why(nazurah)?
what do u think..

tapi yg ak kesian ialah bile ak dh start part time job..
it will be pity for my mum sbb terpaksa mintak tlng my sis yg hantar die g keje naik motor...
sbb kedua2 anaknye yg sgt arif dlm memandu lg kan berlesen ini bekerja(cari nafkah..hhaha)
sori mum...but i try so hard to help u if i could..

Ok lah..den dah ngantuk lg penat ni..
br pas layan my sis tgk cte disturbia..dub dab dub dab jantung ak
tgk cte tu,,,(so exciting)
nite2....miss u all....

p/s:smlm ak tgk cte angel&demon(oklah even cte ini mengisahkan psl agama kristian and sains)..cte jek yg menarik tau..wlaupun niat hati den nk tgk syurga cinta..(layankan adik2)


  1. Nurul Nazurah Nasri

    relax la yana.,,, u must be patient okeh?..nnt bile da start praktikal lagi la, cm aku ni ha,..hihi..anyway, ape2 pun gud luck ok..:p

  1. nobody_eka

    thanz..eh nape dgn prak ko

  1. Anonymous

    bez gile!!
    sweet nk mati la bf ko