Sometimes we dnt understand men

Posted Saturday, January 3, 2009 by nobody_eka
I'm open his blog...
im reading his life..
im reading his profile..
im realize something..
its make me think for a moment about men..
Now i realize something that sometimes men need space..
They dnt usually like all the time with us..
They dnt usually like to fulfill evrything we need..bcoz sometimes they need something 2..
They have to take care of our feelings heart..but do we also done that to them..
Stuck with responsibilities..that is men..
And he stuck with me..
If i dnt like the things..he can't do it bcoz of me..
I dnt realize that until now..
I'm not ever try to lock him or even kongkong that we could say..
But women never realize that even we set them free..

Now i know and i have to do something..
U know wat..i always tell him that i want that..i want this..
And i could see how he try and try to fulfill it even i didnt told him to do so..
But he never told me anything about what he want..
And i never fulfill anything for him..
How bad i am..I always call him..
I need him all the time..
But did he need me all the time..
I am always be annoying and disturbing him..
When he didnt concern bout me..i am angry and dnt want to concern him juz for a small matter..
How bad i am...
Could i do something for this??
I realize i am really deep in love with him..
But my love stuck him to big responsibilities..
And i need to set him free...
But How??