Ahaakkkz....ade lah..

Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009 by nobody_eka
Hello..to all my lovely frenss...
ini perkembangan tbaru den...
before dis im a little bit bored and sad when 1 day..
he tell me dat we cant see each other anymore ..
what he means is we have to be like b4..
mcm time ak kt uitmlah..
sebulan sekali..
mau rabak mata ak tahan nangis..
tapi tahan jek...(buat2 lah jadi pmpuan kuat..hehe)
so wat can i do unless being understanding gf..
so jarang2lah kami jmpe except ak diperlukan dlm hidup die..

but hwever 4 my new love story...
ptg td kami jmpe..and i had such a long time together wif him..
im so happy..
what i know here...
he want to go to shopping...
so he need me to accompany him ..
we go to settle all his bill...
then go to jusco tebrau city, buying his new outfit..
haiyoo...for ur info...die ni dah jarang2 beli baju..
appearance dh tak important pun bg die..
and i got something 2..3 new slack pants for my praktikal...(die yg nak sgt belikan)
then go around and around looking for my kemeja..
but huh..nothing attract me at all..

After lunch, we go to giant plentong...
Kat sana die bolot..2 seluar, 1 baju...
but no worries..he bought me 1 t-shirt which i really like it so much..hehe
then..pusing punye pusing..cbuk bebenor die crk 2 crk ni..
smpai lah tibe kat kedai jam..

Okay ni story kt kedai jam lak..
actually he really want to buy watch 4 himself..
so he choose casio as his favorite brand which i dnt know why..
but what could i say in here..
all price of the watch really make my head spinning..
maahal gile..ni jam ke emas..(hehe..)
he choose one of that watch which really unique for me..
cute ..nice ...with temperature function..
suddenly...he ask the salesmen there.."ade tak jam untuk perempuan"
dok pikiaq ak kt cni..nk wtpe..
utk mak die ke..
then he smile at me and said.. "ok dear..u nak mane 1?"
Mak oii...ak mimpi ke..
tp klu tgk price kt c2..tak snggup gle nk nyusahkan die..
seriusly..muke ak terus monyok and gelengkan pale..
"tak naklah..mahal sgt.."
berulang2 kali ak dok ulang ayat tu,..
die wt tak reti jek...die suh ak pilih..
then die amek..pas2 sales men tu ukur tgn ak..
then die bayar..
pas2 die dekatkan badan die..smile and said " HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG"
nak pengsan ak kt c2..
mcm dlm filem..tp ni filem melayu lah..
so tak leh lah ade adegan2 melampaui batas ye..haha
tp sweet gle..smpai ak pun blh cair..
mengong lah yana ni..
Nak tak nak..ak pun terima lah hadiah 2..

After that...he still looking something 4 me which is bag ..
to replace the bag that he had bought for me..
but he mother took it..sbb cantek sgt..
but i said never mind.."i dont care" (yelah berkorban utk mak mertua..haha)
he still look ..and look for it..
and oh my..he found something and right that time he bought it,..
tapi sempt ckp..ni boleh lah tahan..tapi pasni klu ade lagi cntek..
kite beli lagi..
pening pale ak..berdenyut2 ade...
membazir lah...ak naik segan nak mampus..
tapi takpelah..rezeki ..
however..what can i say..

thanz gendutku sayang..
thanz sgt 4 everything u done for me
cute and sweetest thing in you which i love too..

and so many thing that we go through...
but i still love u ..even not with all those things..
sincerely from heart mind and mouth..

p/s:ak ikhlas tau..korang jgn ingt ak pmpuan hipokritlah..haha
gambar jam..nnt ak upload..choww...


Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 by nobody_eka
Okie..now i got some opportunity to do business..
which actually my bf..
but the problem is both of us lack some idea whicch none in our head now..
so for some1 out there who are brilliant and kindness to share some idea or could help us out here..
please..any opinion which good to do business...
any idea could be consider..
we just need a little help here..
to improve life..
huh..name as marketing student but i still cant do nothing ...huhu
help me...

Some of my friends suggest fotostat shop and dobi..
some of them suggest clothes and kristal..
cafe and bookstores..
so any more interesting which simple ...
Muahh love u guys!!

Tips for girls about guy

Posted Saturday, May 23, 2009 by nobody_eka
Sometimes people always wonder how to make our relationship always maintain and beautiful even many years..
so this is the tips from my experience and books..
casual jek..

1. Bacalah buku atau majalah psl love..hehe
2. everything bout him ..what he like..what he love are now yours...(men always said..juz being urself...we are being ourselves..we fall in love with him and its nature when we learn everything about him..complete each others)
3. Do daily activities...cth:tiap2 pagi call die..kejut solat and wish morning/give poem everyday or spirit words or how u feel bout him kt msg atau email ke /send lunch box to his work(confirm one day die akan tnye....nape dh tak wt cm2 ke cmni ke..atau paling egoistic pun....he start to respond everything that u do)
4. Men love surprise even they said they hate it..(buatlah kad buatan tgn anda sndiri...atau baju ke...present ke...especially ur special day)...nk wt kad tiap2 air pun tak slh..
5. Bile korang duk diam2 tu...keluarkan dua kertas..satu utk die..satu utk korang lah..pas2 surh die tulis perkara yg die teringin nk wt sama2 dgn korang..then tukar kertas and baca..(pas2 try lah laksanakan impian die 2..)
6. Stiap kali call..jgn asyik cte psl diri sndiri..tnye die masalah die arini..and try to convince him dat u always there for him and try to solve the problem together and show him dat u r serius bout it..
7. Paling penting...JANGAN KONGKONG..biar die nk wt ape die suke..even kuar ngn girl tp show him to that u can do that too..sbb our life is not just us...me and him..(sbb makin kite berkeras ..makin dorang wt...so bile kite lepaskan..dorang akn sedar that he unfair to u..ckp ngn die..korang tak kesah..tp jgn kuar ber2..actually korang tak nak..tp kite tak leh paksa org..ayat baek punye)..hehe
8. Communication is important..Klu ade mslh antara korang..atau ade benda yg tak puas hati..
ckp elok2...maniskan ayat..sbb words tu sgt penting klu nk bebual ngn lelaki ni..tp still straight forward lah...jgn mrh2..men hate klu girl byk bebel atau mrh2 tak psl2..Suara tu lembut skit...
9. Bak kata bf ak...appearance is important..pmpuan ni kena jg kecantikan dr atas smpai bwh..
badan..muka ...baju..bersih sentiasa..kemas...sedp dipandang..smell good..and tak payahlah...cantek terover..
tp klu g date...msti kena cntek..pkai baju mcm nak g dating..simple tp terserlah...
10. Sokong die..support die dalam sume benda..coz every successful of men had women behind..especially in front of his frens..kena jaga air muka die..
11. Hah..ni penting..dok jgn pikiaq yg kite ni sepenuhnye milik die..slagi lum kawen jgn harap..
make challenge..means bukn die sorang jek yg nak kan kite..
even die bf kite..ade lagi lelaki len yg cube pikat kite..tu akan mencabar diri die..and buat die jaga kite betul2..(pasni confrm die akan tnye...mamat 2 ade call lagi)haha...
12. Lastly..klu korang nk tahu lelaki ni manja..even sekeras mane pun die 2..belai die..manjakan die..mereka akn tunjukkan perangai mereka sbnr time 2..and show them that they can depend on u no matter wat..tp jgn over lak..jd len karang ..ngade2 tu..

Stakat ni tu yg kite leh pikir..ade lagi..then sumbatkan lagi..
skrg time tu sleep sbb tengkuk dh sakit bangat ni...
nite ....c u soon..
Smoga stiap percintaan yg di akhiri dgn alam perkahwinan
dan kebahagian berkekalan hendaknye hingga akhir hayat..


Turn me down...hate dat..

Posted Saturday, May 23, 2009 by nobody_eka
smkin dewasa..kite semakin sensitif..
semkin dewasa kite semakin matang..
tp semkin matang..kite terlalu sensitif..
and i hate dat feeling..
jeles..angry ...everything around me..

and the most i hate in people nature is compare..
people like 2 compared us..
sometimes terasa lah gak..
kite tahulah kite ni tak cntek...
not beautiful like my sis..
tak pnh2 pun seumur hidup ak jeles..
dr kecik agi..
tibe2 timbul perasaan 2..
issyyy..buang2...yg cntek tu adik ak ..
darah daging ak..

then how do u feel around u..
u hope someone close with u..especially ur family example..
to share everything with u..
but they dont want...and u feel like u dnt have anybody sometimes..
i know im not a gd person..
but everyone had their weakness rite..
even im hard person to handle..
but try to understand me..

one of my attitude are dnt like to share everything with other people..
why?? Bcoz from my experience...(ak tak cmni dlu)
when share everything with other people..
they will turn u down..
juz bcoz of some mistake that they think from u..
they judge u...(bukn betul pun cme kite jek kenl diri kite)
but actually juz we know the real situation
bcoz juz u feel it..(bukn dorang pun)tp...
klu explain pun belum tentu blh betulkan keadaan ..
bek tutup mulut..

sometimes ade org ckp...
takkan pokok blh bergoyang sndiri..
entahlah tak tahu nk ckp..
cube dorang yg rasa..br dorang tahu nape ak ckp cmni..
bile kite yg terkena..people akan blame kite..
tp bile diri sendiri yg kena cili..diam tak ckp ape..
tp still accuse me for everything..
sometimes ak nk tnye ..(TERUK SGT KE AK NI)

they always turn me down..
when they turn me down..
its make me sad
nampak jek happy and smile always ..
but deep in my heart..
im disappointed and heart broken ..

pnh ak teringt 1 sad things dat happen to me..
nk cte..tkut ade yg terasa ..
but bcoz of those things..
other people mouth..
its really make my relationship little bit crack..(teruk tull ayat ak)
means goyah lah..
napelah mesti libatkan si dia dlm mslh ak..

kDg2 bile kite sedey..
cite2 lama akan berulang kembali..
mula lah dok bercampur aduk..
hidup ni byk yg kena tempuh..
bukan senang nk puaskaan hati sume org..
de jek tak kena slalu..
K r..dh penat lah membebel..
dh kering air mata ni..
karang banjir lak JB ni ak wat..hehe..
chow romanooo

Star Trek....

Posted Monday, May 18, 2009 by nobody_eka
Today is my happier day..
even a little bit sad in the morning..(but okk lor..)
Well im still looking for a part time job in the afternoon..
sharp 11.00 o'clock ,
he accompany me ...
in the meanwhile of praktikal..i need a job..
however..its a little bit sad for me bcoz..
first company or shop that i go..
a little bit depressed and uh...can;t say anything..
ok..could u imagine ..dat my interview just being a salesgirl are in hours...
apiss was so mad .."and said even executive nye interview pun tak cmni"
and i couldnt say anything ..
but i could see from his expression face..
how angry he is rite now..

im trying to apply sengheng or seno company..
at giant plentong..
this was his suggestions.
then the girl at there want me to fill two form..
which one was the kuiz and about myself which too many and i really hate to fill too many form in my life...
its so complicated..
i told him i dnt want,...

haha..actually my fault too coz didnt give clear vision to himm..
always follow his order without give my damn own opinion..
but never mind i like it..
juz the problem is the manager at there...
he interview me like in 1 hours 15 minutes..
which make me surprised too..
mcm2 die tnye..
tah ape2 pun ade..
such as..u know if u working here,...there will be no life for you and it will be less time for you and your boyfren to spend time..
dats make me strange bcoz...
apis didnt show up when i enter the shop..
which he didnt know about my boyfren..
but he keep talking about boyfren things...
Hm..is dat necessary..???
ape2 jek..

Then after the interview i could see godzilla face on my boyfren face..
uhhhh...scary and felt like to cry for the moment..
oh my ..dats not my fault..
after a little bit nagging time from him..
bcoz he late for his job(tu lah..dah kata jgn teman..degil)
i juz shut my mouth up..
im gratefull he accompany me but..i dnt know wat to say..
i told him to go back using my car..
its fine for me..
atleast i dnt felt guilty..
but he said im not dat selfish..
so please..its not my fault..stop nagging..

then 3 o'clock sharp..he try to reach me..
but i dnt felt like to talk to him..
but hwever women still women ...
lembut katakan..
(actually die nk pujuk r 2..dah bersalah sbb mrh ak tak tentu psl)

so its such a long time we didnt go out together..
he offer himself...to watch movie with me..
STAR TREK..haha..
ni fav die..tp alah..sume fav die ..ak suke..
sayang katakan..

Its so fun..and special day for me..
and ahakzzz...
suggestions for all of u..
the story was amazing and nice plot..
i like it..
thats my opinion lah..
other people i dnt know..
so hwever..have a nice day..
coz i still wait for the next movie..such as...
Harry potter 6, terminator salvation, night at the museum2, jangan pandang belakang congkak and many more..
tak sabar nk tgk...hehe..