Tips for girls about guy

Posted Saturday, May 23, 2009 by nobody_eka
Sometimes people always wonder how to make our relationship always maintain and beautiful even many years..
so this is the tips from my experience and books..
casual jek..

1. Bacalah buku atau majalah psl love..hehe
2. everything bout him ..what he like..what he love are now yours...(men always said..juz being urself...we are being ourselves..we fall in love with him and its nature when we learn everything about him..complete each others)
3. Do daily activities...cth:tiap2 pagi call die..kejut solat and wish morning/give poem everyday or spirit words or how u feel bout him kt msg atau email ke /send lunch box to his work(confirm one day die akan tnye....nape dh tak wt cm2 ke cmni ke..atau paling egoistic pun....he start to respond everything that u do)
4. Men love surprise even they said they hate it..(buatlah kad buatan tgn anda sndiri...atau baju ke...present ke...especially ur special day)...nk wt kad tiap2 air pun tak slh..
5. Bile korang duk diam2 tu...keluarkan dua kertas..satu utk die..satu utk korang lah..pas2 surh die tulis perkara yg die teringin nk wt sama2 dgn korang..then tukar kertas and baca..(pas2 try lah laksanakan impian die 2..)
6. Stiap kali call..jgn asyik cte psl diri sndiri..tnye die masalah die arini..and try to convince him dat u always there for him and try to solve the problem together and show him dat u r serius bout it..
7. Paling penting...JANGAN KONGKONG..biar die nk wt ape die suke..even kuar ngn girl tp show him to that u can do that too..sbb our life is not just and him..(sbb makin kite berkeras ..makin dorang bile kite lepaskan..dorang akn sedar that he unfair to u..ckp ngn die..korang tak jgn kuar ber2..actually korang tak kite tak leh paksa org..ayat baek punye)..hehe
8. Communication is important..Klu ade mslh antara korang..atau ade benda yg tak puas hati..
ckp elok2...maniskan ayat..sbb words tu sgt penting klu nk bebual ngn lelaki still straight forward lah...jgn hate klu girl byk bebel atau mrh2 tak psl2..Suara tu lembut skit...
9. Bak kata bf ak...appearance is important..pmpuan ni kena jg kecantikan dr atas smpai bwh..
badan..muka ...baju..bersih sentiasa..kemas...sedp dipandang..smell good..and tak payahlah...cantek terover..
tp klu g date...msti kena cntek..pkai baju mcm nak g dating..simple tp terserlah...
10. Sokong die dalam sume benda..coz every successful of men had women behind..especially in front of his frens..kena jaga air muka die..
11. penting..dok jgn pikiaq yg kite ni sepenuhnye milik die..slagi lum kawen jgn harap..
make challenge..means bukn die sorang jek yg nak kan kite..
even die bf kite..ade lagi lelaki len yg cube pikat kite..tu akan mencabar diri die..and buat die jaga kite betul2..(pasni confrm die akan tnye...mamat 2 ade call lagi)haha...
12. Lastly..klu korang nk tahu lelaki ni manja..even sekeras mane pun die 2..belai die..manjakan die..mereka akn tunjukkan perangai mereka sbnr time 2..and show them that they can depend on u no matter jgn over lak..jd len karang ..ngade2 tu..

Stakat ni tu yg kite leh pikir..ade lagi..then sumbatkan lagi..
skrg time tu sleep sbb tengkuk dh sakit bangat ni...
nite ....c u soon..
Smoga stiap percintaan yg di akhiri dgn alam perkahwinan
dan kebahagian berkekalan hendaknye hingga akhir hayat..




    Its true...
    Lelaki suka dibelai...
    U know wat,i suka mainkan jari i kat hujung rambut my boy and he like it...
    He says "Thanks syg,i really like the way u treat me"
    Nampak x mmg lelaki sume mcm tu...
    So Gurls learn bout dat ya..Huhu..

  1. nobody_eka 2..
    lelaki mmg sume same..
    he will greatful when their girls pamper them..haha