married issue all the time

Posted Saturday, October 9, 2010 by nobody_eka
Kadang - kadang aku tak faham dengan keadaan yang menimpa keluarga,
sekejap ok..kejap tak ok
tapi semuanya hanya berpunca pd satu...
aku pun tak tahu nk selesaikan macam mane..
yang aku tahu otak ni gila kusut bila smpai masanya..

Semalam aku gaduh dgn si dia...
gila marah die kat aku ..sedangkan hnya skali aku msg die suh cpt..
aku tahu die pnt..
tu kadang2 aku nyesal atau rs serba salah nk ajak si dia..
tp nk wt cne..die dh memang sebahagian hidup aku..
bile die takde..aku rs kosong and bosan..
tp juz bcoz one msg..
he drive my car like crazy...
shout at me..and angry coz im not understand him..
aku tak tahu kenapa tp aku kuatkan smgt and juz snyp..
die tnye aku still masih blh berlembut..
ni semua kerana kawan ku..
die dh tunggu aku kt shell nk ajak g beraya uma leader ku..
so die slalu ajar aku..jgn wt org tertunggu2 kite..
sbb aku pun tahu how it felt rite?
i dnt knw dat he will be dat angry..
is it my fault?
dlm otak aku ms tu hanya satu..
satu pihak kerana kawan..satu pihak kerana sayang..
aku masih berpura2 gembira walaupun sering dimarah..
mybe dh sebati..
lagipun kite kan nk kawen..
i cant imagine my married life if we are not tolerate..
lgpun aku kenal die..
tak lama pas2 pasti dia akan berfikir sndiri and try to ask me forgiveness..
there he sori sayang"
so there i am..even the mood spoil...juz try not to make it more longer argurement..
moreover im getting married rite?

Especially for today..
my neigbourh will be married tomorrow..
im so jeles...
bila lah rezeki aku nk smpai..
moreover..all my neighbour keep asking me about my date..
huh...sape tak nk kawen lebih2 lagi arini temankan si dia g beli barng baby utk present his frends..
we keep chose and dont knw why inside my heart, so touch..
when is my day?
tp i dnt want to make he worried or bored especially about money..
but the funny thing is ..
he said suddenly : cute pulak brg baby nk cepat kawen jek..hahah

i love him so so much