Men and women...

Posted Saturday, February 21, 2009 by nobody_eka
i always wondering bout men..
dis is not about my men..
but bout all men around me..
my fren boyfren..
so many tragic love story dis year..
why men are so cool but women feel like dying...
separate with someone dat we really love and being part of our life..
its something hard to take...
dnt men ever realize when women give her heart..
so its means the women left nothing even only the heart..
women different from men..
she never look back or regret for every love they gave...
even they always nagging or angry..
but dat is women appearance..
weakness and however that could complete men life..
but they just dont realize until they lost them..
could it have to be separation to make people realize...
women can patience to men attitude but why not men??
why they are so egoistic in their life??
women didnt ask more than their life..
but only some attention and love..
is dat hard for them to fulfill..
why need to go to wrong way..
when there are right way that they can choose..
did women ask something high??which they cant reach..
we just need them to look to our eyes and smile to give their world to us..
being part of life is more than enough..
think that..
even the cheap thing could be precious and valuable in women life...


  1. rafiq

    tp klu dh women 2 sendiri x phm akn men 2 cmner????? pk2 kn la...smpikn masa nk wt asemen dlm grop pn women bsing....bkn nk kata pe la...klu men dh setia, mmg susah klu nk da women lain tp bila men ni setia n hnya mohon sbr utk 2 semester lg bru leh tumpu sepenuhnyer kt women 2 tp last2 women 2 lgsg x terima n xyakin cmner...sdgkn men ni tgh usaha bersungguh3 utk msa dpn men n women 2...bukn nk kata men xde perasaan tp men pn need attetion...maaf la ni x menunjukkan balance la....huhuhu