Now time to fulfill and make this relationship approval by both family...
Okie...Sharp 2.30 pm his family came to my house...
Huh...its so terrified for me...
Yg buat aku takut..'
Kedua2 nenek aku, makcik, atuk, tok tam and nek tam pun datang..
family die 4 org sahaja..
aik mcm nak tunang lak..
sedangkan risik jek..
Now im so tired ..
need to have long sleep for tomorrow...
been back from batu pahat..
accompany apis for his fren wedding...
Okie..chow ..
my next step my next story...
Hari ini hari ke 2 aku keje kt Borneo Cafe..
Tmpt kwn aku Lina..
Die baru bukak business cafe..
And ini minggu ke 3..Aku keje kt MAHABUILDERS SDN BHD..
Developer properties..
Gila tak gila aku ni..
Carik duit punye psl..
Pejam celik pejam celik..
Aku dgn si dia dh planning nk tunang..
So akhir bulan ni Insyaallah..keluarga die masuk meminang..risik sekali...
So aku dengan tekad sepenuhnya bekerja penuh saksama dan berjaya..
Pagi - dari kul 8.00 sehingga 5.30, aku kerja kt company Mahabuilders Sdn Bhd..owner of Pandan City.. as Assistant Marketing Executive bakal menggantikan Marketing Executive...hehe..(memang pun..kakak 2 dh nk blah..)
Petang- Tepat pukul 6..Borneo cafe dekat Taman Cendana smpai kul 2.00 pagi..
Tapi skrg ni lum br kemas2 balik around kul 12...
Si dia setia menanti aku tiap2 ari menghantar balik ke rumah..
Dah jarang jumpe dah..
Time balik je r..
Die pun dh asyik wt overtime ..
tambah part time betulkan pc or laptop org..
Tambah2 lah rezeki masing2...
Kaki ni dh mcm kejang and kebas..
Yg aku tak boleh tahan..
Boleh lak si lina letakkan aku jadi kitchen helper..
Sedangkan muka aku ni memang jarang msk dapur (tp tak bermakna tak pndai mask..k)
Keje aku tiap2 kali bersihkan setiap kekucar kaciran yg chef aku wt..
sambil2 tu jenguk2 lah cara2 memasak..
pasni aku bleh masakkan utk bakal suami..hehe..
(sempat berangan)...
Ok lah got to go..
Need to sleep..
sebab gila penat ..
Pas2 sok cam biase semua dokumen aku yg kene settlekan..
memandang kan kak julia in charge aku takde..
trpaksa independent..
nsb bek tak gila...
Aku nk tgk gak bpe lm aku leh tahan..
sbb sume org risau..smpai ayah aku suh jaga kesihatan and amek vitamin..
memandangkan badan aku mkinlah menurun..
sbb time tmpt keje pagi..aku kurang mkn tengahhari(jimat budget)
mlm time2 nk balik..hehe..
Oklah..len kali cte lebih lanjut..
Owh si dia bincang dgn aku psl umah..
Actually dh nk book umah Aster classic..
Kat pasir gudang..bolehlah..walaupun takde balkoni..
Dengan jayanya ..sebagai executive marketing perumahan ni..
aku punyalah selidik dokumen developer ni..
macam bagus jek.. Insyaallah...aku bakal mendapat tempat berteduh..
Doakan aku dan pasangan ku mahupun seluruh ahli keluargaku..bertambah rezeki dan hubungan kami berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat..
(Poyo tul ayat) hehhe..
P/s: Nnt aku cte cne leh datangnye idea tunang2 ni..sdgkan planning tak nak tunang..
And kata adik si die..stiap kali cte pasl kawen msti bf aku ni lari..
Tup2 die suarakan nk tunang..
Smpai ade lak jiran2 yg bw mulut tak bek psl kiteorg..
Ahh..Nantilah ..
Time flies so fast..
which i didnt notice how grown up i am rite now..
full of thorn and things which we cant explain in our dream or reality..
but what i know dat i love him so much until i didnt notice dis 4 years...
cukup 5 tahun hubungan kami..
the relation will open our new book of life..
and i cant imagine dat..
im going to be tie soon enough..
well.. is it so..
im not so sure..
but dis is his decision..
and my parents a little bit..
ughh...kelam kabut..
dnt know wat to do..
ahakzz..end of this month ..the ceremony will takes place..
1st things...merisik..
wait and see..
Well..he went back to work again..
and i feel so sad..why??i do not know..
2 hours..we met..
he promise to spend more time for me...
but again...he cant do that for me..
i know he love me so much
and i love him so much too..
i understand dat he need to work for us..
but cant him take one day juz to spend time for me..
especially when he receive his salary..
our anniversary..he met me juz 1 hours..
then met me again..juz to accompany him to pay something or go to bank..
but never had something special which we can call "dating"..
i think no more...
okay..i know ..i cant said anything about it..
who i am??
no money..
he didnt notice..dat sometimes i need him..
but he not there..
but i cant complain because i need to give him space and time..
for work..
im too bored rite now at home..
but what could i do??
never mind..
this juz piece of me who need attention i think..
who might confuse with my own feelings....
call..msg...juz he know what he do now...
i cant judge anything about it..dat might make me regret ..
How sweet and romantic this story for me...
My whole and deep in heart beat and pounding so fast every time i read the books about them..
Its make me smile and smile all the time like crazy..
But since the movie are out..
I force him to watch with me..hehe..
well he booked the ticket on that day...on 9.35 pm..
How sweet he is...Love him so much!!
Well ..nice but too much cut in the story from the book..which the books are much more details and touching than the real movie..
but of course edward face make my heart beating...all the time(opppss ..sori dear..of course i notice you all the time beside me..)
but differently for jacob appearance...
its really amaze me for a while..(handsome boy)
Edward looks so nice in the story but differently for robert pattinson...(hm..well like all of you know)
I dislike him outside the movie...
Differently for Jacob character which more nice and attractive in the second movie.. really crazy about all this vampire books..
which really attract me to collect all 4 books..
Twilight, New Moon, Eeclipse and Breaking Dawn..
and him..well try so hard to fulfill my dream..but i know its impossible..
RM200 for all those books..haha..
But i try my best..
never mine dear..
i can try by myself..independent woman..i think!!
u know what...I read New Moon books triple times without feel bored..
Heheh....I cant forget all character especially alice..
I love this story..its make me happy especially with my mood about my jobs...
No jobs for this moment which makes me pressure about my family..
"Belajar sampai skrg tak dpt tolong famiily"
Imagine my feeling especially for elder daughter like me!!!
actually my family didnt say anything..they understand...
juz i cant help to feel guilty about it
Hate this feelings....
So many story to tell but do not know where to start..
"Love is Fairytales"
I think some of you had heard of this phrase from me...
Come out from my mouth whenever i felt frustrated and upset..
Well it is true and really true..
But actuallly we cant always expect beautiful love story in our me...
Before fall in love...the fantasy of love are more than i expected..
But after fall in love..the fantasy are just some childish imagine which lack of maturity..
Dats my opinion..
However...fall in love with him make me always think about something INSIDE of life..
I admit that i am stubborn, childish, selfish and hard to hear other people advice..
But something different about him..(perfector...)
4 years take a long step for me and him..
He always teach me about family relation, punctual, life of human and many things..
but what can i say about him..he's look perfect even i know his weakness..
moreover, he is a family man..
(before this, i am not inter in family things but he always try to convince me dat family is more important than others)
Tonite, he make me think about marriage life..
His friends had ask about our relations which how he could stand with long relationship with me..
4 years is not so easy to get through with just one girl in life..
Well... i admit that he had so many girlfriends before which are more better than me..
but why me??
He also said this to me: "Kalau yang baik dah di depan mata...kenapa nak di lepaskan !!
He is talking about some silly girl like me who are stupid and!!stunning for a while
Well f.y.i.. he is the nice guy that i ever met which always...always try to care about my feelings..
never stop me to be friends with anybody ..
and handsome guys..
Well before dis, he is the most handsome guy which also cute in my PG school..
but never notice dat because i am so blind about all those feelings and guys thing...eauuuhhh...
He had his own style even the chinese girl like him..
but i never set my eyes for him..not even one..
but after we in relationship...he is slowly turn to big and fat guys which make me love him more and more than before..
why is dat..??i'm not even know..
Oh is so long post today..
However, what can i say here..
Because it is not stand long...
But love is something make us appreciate our life..
so guys out there...please be more sensitive...
Girls do not need your wealthy or face..
But attention which could also defend them in hard or loses..
We are the one who decorate love..
So it is no such things that love is powerful and beautifull...;s more thorn which people could say ...DUGAAN
Arini den nak cte psl life den yg agaklah perit skrg ni...hehe..
Well..tahun ni agak2 lah gak tahun genting bagiku..
My Lovely date which actually the worse and sad day for me..
MY anniversary 4th year..
Gle r..upenye dah lame aku couple ngn si dia..
So perancangan terperinci aku adelah mengembalikan zaman keremajaan kami dgn kad buatan aku sndiri tau..jgn memain..(magic hand)
2 ari aku tak jumpe die sbb die busy..
(Sabar...the time will come)
tAPI alangkah sayunye hatiku..
tepat hari yang dinanti (Seriusly aku berdebar2 gile tunggu)
tepat jam 4.30 aku balik..(ms ni seriusly tak sbr nk jumpe die...)
tunggu kat rumah zila smpai kul 6..
semata2 tunggu si dia balik keje..
time die sampai...(tak dpt aku gambar kan my feelings-cam butterfly)
siap plan nk shopping ngn die..
nak raye katakan ...
Well..sad part for me...
Tibe2 die cakap sori ...sori...sori...(banyak habes)
sebab tak dapat keluar dgn aku
..(a little bit crazy part)
sbb bos die dah panggil masuk keje..
(dah nak nangis ni..tahan jek)..
buffet yang dia dah siapkan khas untuk ak..
semuanya terpaksa dikenselkan..
all schedule and plan terbarai gitu jek..
aku diam and senyum (apelagi leh wat kan)
die senyum and still full with sori at his mouth..
yang sweetnye..
die kuarkan 3 kuntum bunga hidup ros merah...
cantek it still cant cure my heart that time..
tapi benda dah jadi..
nak wt cne kan..
tp seriusly aku tak sanggup pandang muka die..
even aku rindu sgt...
yg seterusnye kisah tak yah lah nk dituliskan kt cni..
sbb aku rs sedih sgt smpai skrg..
even die pun mcm 2..
mane taknya..anniversary yg ke 4 tahun..
(lama tu.)
boleh sama lak dgn anniversary aku..
love him so much..
i dont know why??
but its came from my heart..sincerely...
I love him so much..
Who ever and how is he?
he still in my heart 4ver
Yesterday me and him having nice open sesame for our fast at Taman Merdeka..
Buffet time...
Interesting u know..
seems like exclusive..
well actually he dont know where to go for our dinner ...
so take a few round looking for a nice table for us to eat..
well nice place...many choice and nice service..
even there are so many people but not too crowded..
Well one table usually 8 people but for us...juz both of us with big table..hahah..
Ok lah..but not recommend for their drinks of soda bandung..
no taste at all...rasa bandung jek lebih..
tp still for me ..ok lah..dengan kambing yang baru di sembelih ..
di bakar dat time juga..
after that..went to thailand shop for massage.. tired and feeling sleepy..
then we went to spectacles shop to buy me contact lens..
it takes 1 hours to explain me everything about contact lens.
how to take care of my eyes...and bla..bla..
but u know wat...
padanlah muka i...sbb after that day..
my eyes had eyesore..which sakit mata seh..
salah pakai benda tu menggelegak kt mata..
smpailah skrg merah..
ahakzz..u know my boyfren is too proper and manner people ..
and he had a little bit rude gf..(i think he think like dat)..
he always said my voice is too loud..
everytime i talk to his friends..
i know he try to give some good advice..
just sometimes my feeling dont feel good..
like everything about me so wrong..
such as..
in the spectacles shop,,,
juz tercakap kuat i think but not so loud i think ..
the girl in there dnt know how to speak malay..
so i juz said like dis to myself..
owh...ta pu ke yi hui ma lai hua ma..
and he suddenly give some weird face and asking me about the words..
"nothinglah..juz talking to myself"
"u cakap ape tadi?better u cakap?
upenye die ckp the girl looking at us and him..
then looking back to her boss..
but i dont think she heard what i said..
i juz like murmuring to myself..
and he looks so angry even not too show..
sometimes i feel dizzy because dnt not know how treat boys so well..
my friends said the same things also...hahah
something that full with things that even we cant explain..
How bout about mimic face..
busy things..
all of those things we as women can understand..
even hard ...we still try..
but how bout when we going out together..
his face always full with bored..dizzy...(kusut)..dont know what to do..
im so happy to meet him even more and more..
even repeatly ..shortly...anywhere..any place..anytime..
sick ..tired ..busy...
but him..our life is not just for him..
but we still try to make it out..
make it bcoz we love him so much more than our own life..
but did men always care bout it,,
they just think they have fulfill the responsible..
dats all..
im trying not to cry when he always in bad mood..
when he always seems like he dont care about me even he do..
but i always hope dat he try to appreciate every moment we have..
bcoz sometimes i always felt that 2moro will end ..
who knows??
do we have to regret just about the small things in life..??
i always try to make our time even it is too short for us..
bcoz i always felt u part of my life..
i always done anything just to make u satisfied with ur life..
heppy with our time..
i always said dat i done everythings just for u..
but sometimes i think u would never understand how i felt...
i cant say anything unless miss you and love u so much..
okie to be a good and to be wife of some guys which working in site and moreover involve in admin and site..
are not easy which the most important thing that i try to plant in my heart..
'Try To Be Understanding"
Even ur heart full with love and miss him like need to blast out..
but damage and crush when their girlfriends said loudly want to let go..
break off...
sad to hear after they do anything for them...
but just one mistake which no time for them..
which needs 1 week or 3 weeks to work without seeing each other..
well guys when they give commitment..
they re more serious than we ever think...
they do anything to get the hard for big day of us..(Marriages)
But well we as women also..hard to understand ..
unpredictable..because need so much them than they ever think of..
and he always said that im never understand him and ...
"sy ni keje bukan pengganggur.."
usual words but i never said anything juz shut my mouth which dont want any fight between us..
Not good for healthy..hehe
Juz few word i said to him..
i try my best and its not easy for me to let go one men that i love most..
and im still human and women like other but im trying so hard to be understanding than he ever think..
nasib bek lah ade line ..
klu tak mati kutu ak dgn keadaan kt cni..
bosan gle..
tercungap2 tgk orang ..haha
mengantuk ade..lapar ade..
dahlah depan mata ak ni KFC...
ok for new story actually nothing..
bcoz si dia 24 hours busy mengalahkan ak..
so 24 hours juga lah die cakap..
plz understand me...
die kena keje utk crk rezeki..
lagi2 nak raya ni..and marriage things..
so tak leh lah ckp lebih2 ..
kesian kt die...
penat agaknye..
even hati ni menidakkan dan mengharapkan sesuatu..
but what can we say..
as human no one perfects..
ingt tak dlu ak pnh ckp yg ak tak nak tunang..
well...actually tibe2 my dad yg give suggestions ni...
and for f.y.i noi...
My dad want me to engaged tapi die takde duit nak wt majlis..
very shock for me..
so its make me really happy which its mean that
my dad approve my relationship with him..
but dia lak susah skit sbb die tgh kumpul duit kawen..
so insyaallah takde aral melintang kami bertunang tahun depn ..
tp simple gile..jemput bpe org hantaran..
tu pun tunggu si dia lah yang approve..termasuk hand marriage to me..
nothings make me happy than this news...
ikut perancangan..tunang bulan 5 ..kahwin lagi 5 atau 6 bulan..
tp 2 perancangan jek..semuanya bukan ke ditentukan TUHAN..
redha sahaja..
and my dad sometimes keep talking about marriage ..
die lak excited..
si apis..well busy...coz dah takut..
ape2 pun...tunggu...sbb ak pun nak kata bersedia..little bit..
nak kata tak..pun ade..
yelah takde asset lagi..
however..mish u guys..
muaaahhhh....bosan ni..
sejak2 keje...
langsung takde ms nk menjenguk kt cni..
g keje pagi..
balik keje mlm..pas2 tido..
2 ler rutin harian ku..
smpai lah ari ni ak cutii...hoooraaayyy
melepak dgn penuh bosannye...(heheh)
ak harap sgt die ajak ak kuar..
tp ak tak leh paksa sbb ak tahu die busy..
so tnpe mganggu atau msg die..
ak menghadap lah laptop ni shari suntuk
smpailah petang...kul 3.30 ptg ...
si dia call ajak ak kuar..
die tak tahu betapa happynye ak saat menerima panggilan tu..
ak dah niat even skjap pun takpelah..
sekurang2nye die still ade disisi ak..
tak spt ade seorang kwnku..
tu pun ak dh kire bersyukur dan bertuah even die busy habeslah...(smpai ak yg pening) gle..tak dapt ku gambarkan ..
even this is the second movie of transformer tp still gerek..
Every second of this story are very interesting..
and u know wat this is his fav movie..and it become mine..
coz im part of him..
And for a while i just can say now my life is sooo sucks..
problem and problem and problem ...
family is important but it still full of test in life
which need a big patient in us.....
and a little bit guilty in my heart coz
i still did not speak with my second sis for 5 days..
well dats is some punishment to her..
i dont know if she know dat..
i juz want she know dat how bad i am..
we still need each other as siblings ..
and i want her know dat how important i am as her sis..
and not as a fly which annoying to her..
So tahap kebosanan ak berlalu...
hari ni tepat 4 jun ak dapat part time job yg br di offer kan kpd ak 2 hr lepas...
kat giant plentong at bag and watch shop..
ok lah ari ptama blh dikatakan supervisor ak ni yg berumur 18tahun..
sombong gle..
ak pun tak tahu ape mslh die..
muke nk sombong jek 24 jam..
tp dgn ak jek lak 2..
tp dnt mind at all..
smpai lah time balik ...
she seems give me a smile...which skit2 tunjukkan kemesraan after my boss gave some interest to me..auww...(as worker lah)
slps 2minggu duk dlm umah..(dgn penuh kesenangan)
tapi at last...ok lah...not bad..interesting..
cume ade lah skit2 asyik kena marh ngn supervisor..(bukn slh ak pun)
yg penatnye..mulut ak ni dah berbuih dgn senyuman..haha
senyum jek 24 jam..haha..
sales executive katakan...(sales girl lah)
leh tak ak tahan utk ari seterusnye ni..
kisah2 seterusnye bagaimana ak hadapi dugaan kerja ini..
tunggu karya ku seterusnye...(ewah...mcm penulis profesional)
no story bout him for 3 days..
bcoz he went to sea for fishing and
this is one of the program that his boss arrange to know which worker could stand with the sea..
so that they will selected as one of the workers to offshore..(if he good)
i hope he will be slected..(i know u can do it..chaiyoookkk)
but b4 he go..he went to see me and gave 4 chocolate and 2 cake which he say as my "bekal"
without him for 3 days..
haiya..gila lah die...
tak kesah lah..yg penting ngidam ak nak kek cheese melepas...nyum..nyum..
i will miss him so much...
ape pendapat korang ttg die..boleh kah die menjadi seorang suami mithali..
bygkan korang berada di tmpt ak..
i still confuse about him..
even now...our relation in 3years 9month..
i still cant be sure bout men actually in my life..
hw why(nazurah)?
what do u think..
tapi yg ak kesian ialah bile ak dh start part time job..
it will be pity for my mum sbb terpaksa mintak tlng my sis yg hantar die g keje naik motor...
sbb kedua2 anaknye yg sgt arif dlm memandu lg kan berlesen ini bekerja(cari nafkah..hhaha)
sori mum...but i try so hard to help u if i could..
br pas layan my sis tgk cte disturbia..dub dab dub dab jantung ak
tgk cte tu,,,(so exciting)
nite2....miss u all....
ini perkembangan tbaru den...
before dis im a little bit bored and sad when 1 day..
he tell me dat we cant see each other anymore ..
what he means is we have to be like b4..
mcm time ak kt uitmlah..
sebulan sekali..
mau rabak mata ak tahan nangis..
tapi tahan jek...(buat2 lah jadi pmpuan kuat..hehe)
so wat can i do unless being understanding gf..
so jarang2lah kami jmpe except ak diperlukan dlm hidup die..
but hwever 4 my new love story...
ptg td kami jmpe..and i had such a long time together wif him..
im so happy..
what i know here...
he want to go to shopping...
so he need me to accompany him ..
we go to settle all his bill...
then go to jusco tebrau city, buying his new outfit..
haiyoo...for ur info...die ni dah jarang2 beli baju..
appearance dh tak important pun bg die..
and i got something 2..3 new slack pants for my praktikal...(die yg nak sgt belikan)
then go around and around looking for my kemeja..
but huh..nothing attract me at all..
After lunch, we go to giant plentong...
Kat sana die bolot..2 seluar, 1 baju...
but no worries..he bought me 1 t-shirt which i really like it so much..hehe
then..pusing punye pusing..cbuk bebenor die crk 2 crk ni..
smpai lah tibe kat kedai jam..
actually he really want to buy watch 4 himself..
so he choose casio as his favorite brand which i dnt know why..
but what could i say in here..
all price of the watch really make my head spinning..
maahal jam ke emas..(hehe..)
he choose one of that watch which really unique for me..
cute ..nice ...with temperature function..
suddenly...he ask the salesmen there.."ade tak jam untuk perempuan"
dok pikiaq ak kt cni..nk wtpe..
utk mak die ke..
then he smile at me and said.. "ok dear..u nak mane 1?"
Mak oii...ak mimpi ke..
tp klu tgk price kt c2..tak snggup gle nk nyusahkan die..
seriusly..muke ak terus monyok and gelengkan pale..
"tak naklah..mahal sgt.."
berulang2 kali ak dok ulang ayat tu,..
die wt tak reti jek...die suh ak pilih..
then die amek..pas2 sales men tu ukur tgn ak..
then die bayar..
pas2 die dekatkan badan and said " HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG"
nak pengsan ak kt c2..
mcm dlm ni filem melayu lah..
so tak leh lah ade adegan2 melampaui batas ye..haha
tp sweet gle..smpai ak pun blh cair..
mengong lah yana ni..
Nak tak nak..ak pun terima lah hadiah 2..
After that...he still looking something 4 me which is bag ..
to replace the bag that he had bought for me..
but he mother took it..sbb cantek sgt..
but i said never mind.."i dont care" (yelah berkorban utk mak mertua..haha)
he still look ..and look for it..
and oh my..he found something and right that time he bought it,..
tapi sempt boleh lah tahan..tapi pasni klu ade lagi cntek..
kite beli lagi..
pening pale ak..berdenyut2 ade...
membazir lah...ak naik segan nak mampus..
tapi takpelah..rezeki ..
however..what can i say..
thanz sgt 4 everything u done for me
cute and sweetest thing in you which i love too..
and so many thing that we go through...
but i still love u ..even not with all those things..
sincerely from heart mind and mouth..
p/s:ak ikhlas tau..korang jgn ingt ak pmpuan hipokritlah..haha
gambar jam..nnt ak upload..choww...
which actually my bf..
but the problem is both of us lack some idea whicch none in our head now..
so for some1 out there who are brilliant and kindness to share some idea or could help us out here..
please..any opinion which good to do business...
any idea could be consider..
we just need a little help here..
to improve life.. as marketing student but i still cant do nothing ...huhu
help me...
some of them suggest clothes and kristal..
cafe and bookstores..
so any more interesting which simple ...
Muahh love u guys!!
so this is the tips from my experience and books..
casual jek..
1. Bacalah buku atau majalah psl love..hehe
2. everything bout him ..what he like..what he love are now yours...(men always said..juz being urself...we are being ourselves..we fall in love with him and its nature when we learn everything about him..complete each others)
3. Do daily activities...cth:tiap2 pagi call die..kejut solat and wish morning/give poem everyday or spirit words or how u feel bout him kt msg atau email ke /send lunch box to his work(confirm one day die akan tnye....nape dh tak wt cm2 ke cmni ke..atau paling egoistic pun....he start to respond everything that u do)
4. Men love surprise even they said they hate it..(buatlah kad buatan tgn anda sndiri...atau baju ke...present ke...especially ur special day)...nk wt kad tiap2 air pun tak slh..
5. Bile korang duk diam2 tu...keluarkan dua kertas..satu utk die..satu utk korang lah..pas2 surh die tulis perkara yg die teringin nk wt sama2 dgn korang..then tukar kertas and baca..(pas2 try lah laksanakan impian die 2..)
6. Stiap kali call..jgn asyik cte psl diri sndiri..tnye die masalah die arini..and try to convince him dat u always there for him and try to solve the problem together and show him dat u r serius bout it..
7. Paling penting...JANGAN KONGKONG..biar die nk wt ape die suke..even kuar ngn girl tp show him to that u can do that too..sbb our life is not just and him..(sbb makin kite berkeras ..makin dorang bile kite lepaskan..dorang akn sedar that he unfair to u..ckp ngn die..korang tak jgn kuar ber2..actually korang tak kite tak leh paksa org..ayat baek punye)..hehe
8. Communication is important..Klu ade mslh antara korang..atau ade benda yg tak puas hati..
ckp elok2...maniskan ayat..sbb words tu sgt penting klu nk bebual ngn lelaki still straight forward lah...jgn hate klu girl byk bebel atau mrh2 tak psl2..Suara tu lembut skit...
9. Bak kata bf ak...appearance is important..pmpuan ni kena jg kecantikan dr atas smpai bwh..
badan..muka ...baju..bersih sentiasa..kemas...sedp dipandang..smell good..and tak payahlah...cantek terover..
tp klu g date...msti kena cntek..pkai baju mcm nak g dating..simple tp terserlah...
10. Sokong die dalam sume benda..coz every successful of men had women behind..especially in front of his frens..kena jaga air muka die..
11. penting..dok jgn pikiaq yg kite ni sepenuhnye milik die..slagi lum kawen jgn harap..
make challenge..means bukn die sorang jek yg nak kan kite..
even die bf kite..ade lagi lelaki len yg cube pikat kite..tu akan mencabar diri die..and buat die jaga kite betul2..(pasni confrm die akan tnye...mamat 2 ade call lagi)haha...
12. Lastly..klu korang nk tahu lelaki ni manja..even sekeras mane pun die 2..belai die..manjakan die..mereka akn tunjukkan perangai mereka sbnr time 2..and show them that they can depend on u no matter jgn over lak..jd len karang ..ngade2 tu..
skrg time tu sleep sbb tengkuk dh sakit bangat ni...
nite ....c u soon..
Smoga stiap percintaan yg di akhiri dgn alam perkahwinan
dan kebahagian berkekalan hendaknye hingga akhir hayat..
semkin dewasa kite semakin matang..
tp semkin matang..kite terlalu sensitif..
and i hate dat feeling..
jeles..angry ...everything around me..
and the most i hate in people nature is compare..
people like 2 compared us..
sometimes terasa lah gak..
kite tahulah kite ni tak cntek...
not beautiful like my sis..
tak pnh2 pun seumur hidup ak jeles..
dr kecik agi..
tibe2 timbul perasaan 2..
issyyy..buang2...yg cntek tu adik ak ..
darah daging ak..
u hope someone close with u..especially ur family example..
to share everything with u..
but they dont want...and u feel like u dnt have anybody sometimes..
i know im not a gd person..
but everyone had their weakness rite..
even im hard person to handle..
but try to understand me..
one of my attitude are dnt like to share everything with other people..
why?? Bcoz from my experience...(ak tak cmni dlu)
when share everything with other people..
they will turn u down..
juz bcoz of some mistake that they think from u..
they judge u...(bukn betul pun cme kite jek kenl diri kite)
but actually juz we know the real situation
bcoz juz u feel it..(bukn dorang pun)tp...
klu explain pun belum tentu blh betulkan keadaan ..
bek tutup mulut..
sometimes ade org ckp...
takkan pokok blh bergoyang sndiri..
entahlah tak tahu nk ckp..
cube dorang yg dorang tahu nape ak ckp cmni..
bile kite yg terkena..people akan blame kite..
tp bile diri sendiri yg kena cili..diam tak ckp ape..
tp still accuse me for everything..
sometimes ak nk tnye ..(TERUK SGT KE AK NI)
they always turn me down..
when they turn me down..
its make me sad
nampak jek happy and smile always ..
but deep in my heart..
im disappointed and heart broken ..
nk cte..tkut ade yg terasa ..
but bcoz of those things..
other people mouth..
its really make my relationship little bit crack..(teruk tull ayat ak)
means goyah lah..
napelah mesti libatkan si dia dlm mslh ak..
kDg2 bile kite sedey..
cite2 lama akan berulang kembali..
mula lah dok bercampur aduk..
hidup ni byk yg kena tempuh..
bukan senang nk puaskaan hati sume org..
de jek tak kena slalu..
dh kering air mata ni..
karang banjir lak JB ni ak wat..hehe..
chow romanooo
even a little bit sad in the morning..(but okk lor..)
Well im still looking for a part time job in the afternoon..
sharp 11.00 o'clock ,
he accompany me ...
in the meanwhile of praktikal..i need a job..
however..its a little bit sad for me bcoz..
first company or shop that i go..
a little bit depressed and uh...can;t say anything..
ok..could u imagine ..dat my interview just being a salesgirl are in hours...
apiss was so mad .."and said even executive nye interview pun tak cmni"
and i couldnt say anything ..
but i could see from his expression face..
how angry he is rite now..
im trying to apply sengheng or seno company..
at giant plentong..
this was his suggestions.
then the girl at there want me to fill two form..
which one was the kuiz and about myself which too many and i really hate to fill too many form in my life...
its so complicated..
i told him i dnt want,...
haha..actually my fault too coz didnt give clear vision to himm..
always follow his order without give my damn own opinion..
but never mind i like it..
juz the problem is the manager at there...
he interview me like in 1 hours 15 minutes..
which make me surprised too..
mcm2 die tnye..
tah ape2 pun ade..
such as..u know if u working here,...there will be no life for you and it will be less time for you and your boyfren to spend time..
dats make me strange bcoz...
apis didnt show up when i enter the shop..
which he didnt know about my boyfren..
but he keep talking about boyfren things... dat necessary..???
ape2 jek..
Then after the interview i could see godzilla face on my boyfren face..
uhhhh...scary and felt like to cry for the moment..
oh my ..dats not my fault..
after a little bit nagging time from him..
bcoz he late for his job(tu lah..dah kata jgn teman..degil)
i juz shut my mouth up..
im gratefull he accompany me but..i dnt know wat to say..
i told him to go back using my car..
its fine for me..
atleast i dnt felt guilty..
but he said im not dat selfish..
so please..its not my fault..stop nagging..
then 3 o'clock sharp..he try to reach me..
but i dnt felt like to talk to him..
but hwever women still women ...
lembut katakan..
(actually die nk pujuk r 2..dah bersalah sbb mrh ak tak tentu psl)
so its such a long time we didnt go out together..
he offer watch movie with me..
STAR TREK..haha..
ni fav alah..sume fav die ..ak suke..
sayang katakan..
Its so fun..and special day for me..
and ahakzzz...
suggestions for all of u..
the story was amazing and nice plot..
i like it..
thats my opinion lah..
other people i dnt know..
so hwever..have a nice day..
coz i still wait for the next movie..such as...
Harry potter 6, terminator salvation, night at the museum2, jangan pandang belakang congkak and many more..
tak sabar nk tgk...hehe..
Kenapalah sume ni berlaku dlm hidup ak??
Kadang2 rasa nk pecah otak ak..
tolonglah..tolonglah jangan hukum
diri ak ni..
ak lemah sgt2..
lemah dlm segala hal..s
smpai ak sndiri confuse utk menentukan hidup ni ..
sumenye begitu rumit sehingga ak tlampau byk sgt berfikir..
fikir ttg ms depan ku..
Ya Allah...bantulah aku..sesungguhnya aku sangat2 memerlukan pertolongan mu..
Ak br habiskan chaptr 4 relationship mrktg..
Not bad..easy to finish..
U knw why..
tibe2 i had sweet mood
WITh lovely memory... IN Mind
Im In LovE...

even in far distance..
in hurting situation..
full of test in life..
never forget him even in second..
u know wat..
mybe people say the true love are exist..
but love is something which we can build together
with trust and loyal..
its depend to urselves..
dnt blame anybody or anyone..
U...who want to taste a life..
so try and get it..

no outcome if u dnt try it..
no matter what result is it..
accept the fact even it pain for other side..or our side
u never know how its like..
Mulut lelaki banyak juga tak jujur
Bila sakit hati wanita bisanya nangis
Sudah ku bilang jangan terlalu cinta
Kalau patah hati siapa mau nolong
Seperti langit dan matahari tak bersatu lagi
Hey ladies jangan mau di bilang lemah
Kita juga bisa menipu dan menduakan
Bila wanita sudah beraksi dunia hancur
Hey ladies sekarang cinta pakai otak
Jangan mau rugi hati dan juga rugi waktu
Bila dia merayumu ingat semuanya bohong
Memanglah tak semua lelaki busuk
Namun ladies tetaplah harus waspada
Semogalah kita semua akhirnya
Mendapatkan cinta yang tulus
Sudah kubilang jangan terlalu yakin
Mulut lelaki banyak juga tak jujur
Bila sakit hati wanita bisanya nangis
I love dis lyric...
I know dat..
From my experience before dis..
its take 3 month to get rid all the memory..
even im with someone..
he still in my head..
But wat could we do..
easy for men to get rid of us..
but women..
none in the heart ever felt to let go
even just the memory..
once fall in love..
its like the beautiful memory forever..
But whoever outside there..
come on think about this..
until when??
whoever fault is dat..
u should turn new page..
what ever happen is..
u will never know the reason..
everything that happen to us..
have been plan and we should accept it
as qada dan qadar ALLAH..
come on ladies..
we r strong girls..
no matter wat happen..
we still can live and dnt ever show the men dat we can't live without them
no way...;
im happy now..
even still full with the problem..
but wat could we say..
full of trick..
but no one perfect...
even us..
no women..
No dear...i know u r loyal to me..
My friends said in relationship not all things we can tell our partner..
Hm..and dats not all things he must tell me..
Okie...i accept that..
and i know he different from other guys which are like alligator..
but well what can i just said in here..huh!!
Nothing more than like flirting with the girl
Even just for flirting but their heart give just to one girl.
But could i put here..and tell all guys out there..
How about..we as girls can do the same thinngs like you guys..
Flirt with all guys and just love our boyfriends..
What they feel about their girls..??
Can anyone answer that???
Well...if u all cant accept that..
We also..especially we are the kind with soft heart..
If all of you dont know how to appreciate us..
Dnt even give any damn commitment..ok??
How ever..
think here..
I know i lack many things in myself..
too many weakness..
I need to improve dat..
Poor my guys..dats not all his fault actually..
so we as a girl 2 need to identify ourselves before blame them hundred percent..
dats wat i try to make it up..
So come on girls..
Care about ur relationship..
everybody make mistake..
However..One good songs to all girls out there
enjoy it...
you will like it as much as i am..
if there are really exist some guy like in
Cinta Untuk Ain story..
watak yg dilakonkan oleh Que Haidar..
so sweet ..
tp wtever no one perfect..
so wt cn we say rite??hehe
and ak dah tak nak pikir pape...
Im so sad rite now..
Im trying my best but still nt enough..
Im feel hurt now..
Hurt so much..
Im nt the women who will demand so high..
i juz hope..
but if i cant get i will be so sad..
but dat doesnt mean world will nt go around rite..
But why??
why i feel so sad now..
im juz feel like want to turn everything like before..
the time dats everything so wonderful and happy..
A beautiful scar to me,
Although i see ur pretty smile,
I can't laught with you
The day when i keep thinking about you,
The day when my heart is cold and sad,
The word i miss you stay in my mouth,
Alone again crying for you,
Alone again im missing for you
Bye Bye
Never say goodbye,
Eventhough i can't hold you like this,
I need you i can't say anything,
I want you i wish again and again
Because im stupid,
I dont know anyone else but you,
You, who is looking at someone else,
You probably dont know how i feel
Im probably not in ur dream,
Probably dnt have memories of us too,
Me, who is only looking at you,
Again and again the tears fall,
I am happy even,
Seeing your back,
Although you still dont know my heart,
In the end you pass by me like the wind,
The day when i miss you so much,
The day when i wont take it,
The word i love you stay in my mouth,
Alone again crying for you,
Alone again missing for you,
Baby i love you,
Im waiting for you
Hate it and fed upp....
seriously im a serious condition rite now..
But wat could i do instead of understand..
even my hurt and mind is really in hurt time..
I know i should not being like dis..
But im human...
Human who need something more than being in love..
even their own women..
I cant force it..
But i cant push it also..
Huh..what could i do??
I juz dnt want to make people i love tension or burden bcoz of me..
Any way to solve it??
Between want and not...
I can't even choose...
how do every couple feel when they separate or being far away with the lovers
even family..
sad...bored and many negative things..
same with me..
its such bored day and time for me now..
its such a long time i didnt seeing him..
last time is when i be back to johor bhru after my trip to sarwak..
and seriously its such for a while..
and i feel not enough..
and every time when some of my fren got a chance to see their bf..
i will complaining to him..
dat i really miz him..
and he always said..
"be patient my dear..
our time will come.."
ohh.. well wat can i do..
he is so busy for our future..
and i cant stop him to do his responsibilities and his job..
even my relation a little bit shake.. matter wat..
stick to one..
dats me!!
ak blur bile sume org hepi balik ke umah..
tapi ak takde feeling langsung nk blk..
no feelings..nothing..
jiwa ak kosong..
smpai ak tak tahu nk buat ape..
should i stay or home??
huh!! Blur..i hate when its holiday time..
its always make me in blur........................
whatever is the day today..
Im so happy with my men..
which the first and will be the last one
even we dnt know what will happen tomoro..
i know he like other men dat i ever know..
men rarely can appreciate what we do to him..
but as pair of couple..
we need to be tolerate and make solution..
(like he always said to me)
U know wat make me hepi today..
I was just done with my call with him..
i ask him about men and about our relation..
Me: I can be crazy if i lost u like my fren..
Me: Coz im addicted with everything about u include ur fav
Him:R u sure??
Me: Im a liitle bit curious..why men not like women which always try to learn their lover fav addicted with ur song..even all those thing i dnt like actually..but now i like it bcoz of addicted with u..
Him:Lelaki tak paksa pun..juz be not forcing u!!
Me:Im being being in love with u...dats is myself and forever..
Silent ...
Him: I love u so much and i will try to make better thing for u from now..
U know really in love with him..
i love him..i told u..
everything can be solution as long dat we tolerate and discuss..
communication is important..
sacrifice is important.. could be everything possible..
and u know wat..he always said dat evrything in women must be balance..
which out and inside ..
dats is the recipe of relation.. still wondering..
dis is not about my men..
but bout all men around me..
my fren boyfren..
so many tragic love story dis year..
why men are so cool but women feel like dying...
separate with someone dat we really love and being part of our life..
its something hard to take...
dnt men ever realize when women give her heart..
so its means the women left nothing even only the heart..
women different from men..
she never look back or regret for every love they gave...
even they always nagging or angry..
but dat is women appearance..
weakness and however that could complete men life..
but they just dont realize until they lost them..
could it have to be separation to make people realize...
women can patience to men attitude but why not men??
why they are so egoistic in their life??
women didnt ask more than their life..
but only some attention and love..
is dat hard for them to fulfill..
why need to go to wrong way..
when there are right way that they can choose..
did women ask something high??which they cant reach..
we just need them to look to our eyes and smile to give their world to us..
being part of life is more than enough..
think that..
even the cheap thing could be precious and valuable in women life...
Did long relationship always the reasons couple break off??
Did romantic and take women heart are so hard to understand or men really cant understand any of it??
Did women ask something impossible??
Did im too selfish because ask more??
Huh...dats make me confuse..
Did responsibility always being one of the consequence??
Or juz men mindless in make something precious or think something special for his love??
Close ur eyes and think about it..
What i want actually??
I love surprise..surprise in lovely thing in my life and having sweet thing in my life..
But dats is the dream of every women in their life..
But dats is nt easy..bcoz dream is different than reality..
Think about it..
Becoz im done with my dream..
Something dats so precious and cant be repay..
Did repay someone kindness that help us can be done??
someone dat we dnt even close but could give big favor which even someone related with us cant done like dat??
Its a little bit bother me for a while..
Easy to say than done..
How if one day i dont even remmember or thought about it..
or even being forgetful..
did i could done it...
promise easy than done..
hopefully i could repay all of his family kindness...
Someone dat have done a lot in my studies which help me to success..
being somebody one day..
Through so much in to help me especially in cent...
Ak sedih sbb ak tiada bersamanya..
untuk membantu dan seiring menghadapinya..
Tiada yang lebih sedih lagi apabila ak mendengar ibuku dalam bahaya..
Sedih sgt..
ibu selalu balik dr tempat keje berjalan kaki berseorangan..
smpai ke rumah sbb ak dan adik ak tiada bersama..
adik bongsu masih blm pandai bertatih dlm bab kereta..
so usual things my mum do is walk..
Tapi kali ini benar2 ak tak sangka..
Ak rasa mcm nk bunuh jek peragut tu..
aku harap dia ditangkap..
so pulangkan lah kembali brg ibuku..
klu tak ak harap die mati kena langgar supaya tak nyusahkan hidup org..
Beg ibuku diragut..
tp ak tak heran sgt..
besenya mak ak tak bw banyak duit kt dlm..
tp yang ak terkejut..
peragut tu bawa parang..
Huh...Ya Allah..selamatkan mak ak dari segala mara bahaya!!
Ibu ku ni jenis cepat panik..
Dalam gabra2 die..boleh pulak hp terjatuh dr poket die..
boleh ek..peragut tu turun dr motor..
then kutip hp mak ak tu dgn bw parang die..
dahlah mak ak susah payah dptkan hp tu..
susah payah beli tahu tak..
I know how my mum love her hp so much..
lagi2 br beli..
Tiap2 mlm she like to listen to nasyid song which my sis help her to key in..
How lovely...when everynite she listen to the song till sleep..
I love her..
and i know how much dat she had done for us..
the kindness and lovely mum ever..
Im sorii..mum..coz i cant done anythinng for u..
seteguh mana...sebesar mana pun...
Aku sedih...sedih kerana sesuatu yg tidak diduga menguji kesabaran dan kekuatan hati..
Malah ak merasakan hatiku ibarat kristal yang sedang berderai menyembah lantai..
kuatnya dugaan di hadapi kali ini...
Kenapa semua ini perlu berlaku dlm hidup ak..
Ak tak sangka dan ak tak duga bahawa cerita dan filem yang ak tonton di tv..
berlaku dalam hidup ak..
tp kenapa..kenapa ak...
Semakin ak membesar...hidup ak lebih menjurus ke arah tekanan..
Cepat tua lah ak nmpknye..
Kadang2 ak nak lari dr kehidupan ak setakat ini..
ak nk pergi jauh..
tp ak takut dan ak sayangkan mereka..
Walaupun begini layanan ku dapatkan..
ak masih tidak mahu tinggalkan mereka..
sbb ak tahu mereka pasti akan plukan ak..
biarlah masa menentukan segalanya..
Yang penting..hati ak dh cukup sakit...
Tolonglah ak..Kuatkan hati ak menghadapi semua ini..
Lebih2 lagi dgn sem last ni..
Banyak yg perlu ak lakukan..
Me 2..but sometimes we as human want more than wat we have..
Love change every perception in human life..
Even with me...
I love him so much...
Same as goes with him.. its not fully enough in our life if not completed with sacrifice..
Love is not just something in our life..
But it also sacrifice of two human heart..
He have done so many thing in my life..
But i always want more...which i dnt even know..
I know he busy..all the time busy with his work..
But i need our time like b4..
b4 we fell in our deep heart..which we promise and realize we r meant together..
Men are change bit by bit when through a long time relationship which they dont realize...
He already show something that i dnt like to know..
Is not because i dnt want to know my weakness..
and i always mention dat im ur gf..
bcoz i want u to realize dat i need some courage from u..
some love ...something dat i only need by
not critic or bad words..something more that sometimes im helpless to think..
Im not ur inside ur heart..which u want..
what u really want in ur heart..what u want to hear..what do u want??
dat is inside me..and dats is the only one i you..
and every patient in my heart and forgiveness because of you..
cant you see that..
im not blaming u..i want u to realize how important u r to me...
dats make me come back and back 2 u over again..
even u always make me sad...
I dnt know
How high we long our relation..
we cannot forget our lovely time and dnt even change it..
coz dat is recipe of relationship..
Men are always in big burden..
But dats doesnt mean dat they have to forget their and something exciting..
If they need help...we as women always behind them..
even we also helpless..
What for the pair means...
They need to know women dnt need promise..
But they need decoration life..
its easy to know women heart..
If u really appreciate their heart and try hardly to understand them..
No conflict or consequences will block ur way..
Women heart just need to caress with soften..
What u want in urself also in women..
1. Keanak-anakkan
Dalam batas yg wajar, sifat keanak-anakan seorang wanita menjadi daya tarikan di mata lelaki. Mereka berasa terhibur dengan keletah anda. Tetapi tentulah bukan sifat keanak-anakkan yang melampau dan menyakitkan hati tetapi sikap keanak-anakan yang menyenangkan. Misalnya, kemanjaan.
2. Penuh Pengertian
Sikap pengertian wanita membuat lelaki berasa dihargai dan diterima seadanya. Sikap ini tercermin dari perasaan mudah memaafkan, memilih waktu yang tepat untuk berbincang masalah dan sebagainya. Contohnya ketika lelaki melakukan kesilapan, wanita yang berpengertian tidak terus mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kasar atau menuduh bukan2 sebaliknya cuba mengerti duduk persoalannya.
3. Menghargai
Wanita yang menghargai lelaki adalah wanita idaman lelaki. Berbeza dengan wanita yang suka diperlakukan dengan lembut, lelaki suka dihargai, dipuji dengan tulus ikhlas dan diberi kepercayaan. Penghargaan dari wanita membuat lelaki berasa bangga.
4. Menjaga Penampilan
Lelaki menyukai wanita yang pandai menjaga penampilannya agar sentiasa kelihatan cantik, bersih, kemas dan menarik. Penampilan yang baik menunjukkan wanita tersebut menghargai dirinya.Dia akan murah senyuman,pandai merawat tubuhnya, meningkatkan kualiti hidupnya dan memberi yang terbaik kepada dirinya.Dia suka dan bersyukur dengan dirinya dan secara tidak langsung memancarkan pesona yg menyebabkan lelaki juga menyukainya. Apabila sudah berumahtangga, wanita tersebut terus menjaga penampilan dirinya dan kesihatan tubuh badan walau sudah beranak-pinak. Siapa yang tidak suka isteri yang masih kelihatan cantik dan ramping walau dah punya anak 3??
5. Pandai berbicara
Lelaki tertarik dengan wanita yang pandai berkomunikasi dan boleh diajak berbual. Walau topik perbualan yang disukai lelaki berbeza dengan topik kegemaran wanita, wanita tersebut dapat mengimbanginya. Dia bukan sekadar teman berbual yang pasif, tetapi dapat memberi respon dan pendapat yang baik. Dia juga tahu menjadi pendengar yang baik, serta mengalihkan topik yang agak serius kepada perbualan yang lebih menarik. Lelaki juga suka dengan wanita yang suka bergurau dan pandai berjenaka serta boleh menerima jenaka lelaki dengan baik dan berfikiran terbuka.
6. Pandai Bergaul dan Menyesuaikan Diri
Wanita yang pandai bergaul dan menyesuaikan diri mempunyai nilai lebih di mata lelaki. Wanita tersebut tahu menghadapi orang yang lebih tua dan cara berhadapan dengan orang yang lebih muda. Apabila berhadapan dengan suasana yg baru,wanita tersebut tidak gentar malah cepat menyesuaikan diri. Dia mudah di ajak ke mana saja dan tidak kekok samada di bandar atau di kampung.
7. Menghormati Diri Sendiri
Lelaki suka dengan wanita yang menghormati dirinya sendiri sebagai seorang wanita, bersikap sopan dan mempunyai etika. Wanita yang menghormati dirinya sendiri mempunyai keyakinan dan tahu apa yg baik dan buruk diperlakukan oleh seorang lelaki terhadap dirinya. Jadi dia tahu apa yg dia inginkan dan mahu elakkan serta menjaga maruah dirinya. Dia tidak akan merendah-rendahkan dirinya dan tidak akan membiarkan lelaki memperlakukan dirinya sesuka hati.
8. Simpati dan prihatin
Lelaki suka wanita yang murah hati, mengambil berat, simpati pada nasib yg susah, sayangkan kanak-kanak dan tidak memilih bulu. Kebaikan yang wajar dan spontan mencerminkan hati yang mulia. Ada kecantikan dalaman pada dirinya yang memancar keluar dengan indah dan mempesona.
actually i'm nt the person dat easy to cry..but easy too kut..hhehe..
when fight with my sis..or family and even bf..
but for fren..jarang r.. best of her family died 2 days ago..
and its really make me shock when im wake up and havingg dis news at 7 o'clock in the morning...
its make me more sad when see her crying for the first time after had long relationship with her..
Its make me think for a moment which i'm remember bout my family and think bout my situation..
yesterday...all of my housemate together make a trip to johor bahru..which we want to visit her family..
Her family seems fine but deep in should i know when we lost some1 dat we love..
After her house...i call my bf and want him to send me to my house..
I miz my family actuallly...
miz them so much..hw could i miz all fun in my life by being selfish...
Ayah or dad..
is most important people in our life and family..
even how bad they are..
they are still someone special dat we should not forget..
watever they do..
they always had reasons behind it..
and im sori dad..if i always hurt ur feelings and dnt understand u at all..
im reading his life..
im reading his profile..
im realize something..
its make me think for a moment about men..
Now i realize something that sometimes men need space..
They dnt usually like all the time with us..
They dnt usually like to fulfill evrything we need..bcoz sometimes they need something 2..
They have to take care of our feelings heart..but do we also done that to them..
Stuck with responsibilities..that is men..
And he stuck with me..
If i dnt like the things..he can't do it bcoz of me..
I dnt realize that until now..
I'm not ever try to lock him or even kongkong that we could say..
But women never realize that even we set them free..
Now i know and i have to do something..
U know wat..i always tell him that i want that..i want this..
And i could see how he try and try to fulfill it even i didnt told him to do so..
But he never told me anything about what he want..
And i never fulfill anything for him..
How bad i am..I always call him..
I need him all the time..
But did he need me all the time..
I am always be annoying and disturbing him..
When he didnt concern bout me..i am angry and dnt want to concern him juz for a small matter..
How bad i am...
Could i do something for this??
I realize i am really deep in love with him..
But my love stuck him to big responsibilities..
And i need to set him free...
But How??
eventually...i always live far away from my home and my parents..
independently girl..dats i thought i am..
But since my age reach 22..somethings changing in my side..
i miz my home badly..
really badly..sometimes feel to cry..
i miz my mum..even she like to nag..
i miz my dad..even he too serius..
i miz my sisters..even we always fight..
Today im alone in my rent house..
and i realize how much fun i have in my home..
and i really wanna be back even i juz had stay in here for one weeks..
what i can say here..its just a while in here and i felt to go back.. pampered i am..but dats i am now..
always be scare especially dark..
im changing.. owh i hate dat...
where miss brave liana..
None now..
Hwever..nice to talk with all of u..coz i juz too bored rite now..
feeling lonely..
i dnt knw why felt dat..
but dats my feeling now..
Now i realize dat i cannt live alone in dis world..
its not worth it..